Special Deals -- Only For 30 Minutes!

Ready To Dominate The Content Marketing Landscape Like Never Before?

Everyone dreams of becoming the next millionaire blogger. So we craft blog post after blog post knowing that…someday…we’ll be rewarded for our work.

I mean, valuable content is supposed to get recognized for its value, right? If it were that easy, we’d all be millionaires.

You may have no problem producing the content, but the problem resides in the marketing. Most people’s content marketing strategy consists of two steps:

Step #1: Publish

Step #2: Pray

Unless you get lucky and get picked up by a few bloggers, search engines, and social networks, those blog posts won’t gain traction. Content marketing implementation is the biggest difference between ordinary bloggers and superstar bloggers.

From a marketing perspective, it’s better to write one blog post that goes viral to the right audience than 100 blog posts that no one ever reads.

Content Creation Without The Marketing

We all have the potential to become consistent full-time bloggers. The challenge isn’t a lack of expertise. The challenge is making sure you’re looking at the right map and implementing the right actions.

Here’s the story of most bloggers on the cusp of becoming millionaire bloggers. She’s been writing content for her blog for six months. She consistently writes one blog post every week, but she isn’t getting much traffic. She also just started doing one video every week.

She recently forgot to write one of her blog posts because she feels discouraged. “How am I not making any money despite working so hard?” She just wrote another blog post and feels back in the game. She is hoping to make a few hundred dollars this month. She got 2,000 visitors to her blog last month. She wants to make this blogging thing work so she doesn’t have to go back to her day job.

Based on results, you’d think that she doesn’t have much of a shot. Or if she did have a shot, it would take several years for her to become a millionaire blogger.

But here’s the thing…she can become a millionaire blogger in 1-2 years. She’s a hard worker, which is an important element of success. All she has to do is work smarter and look at the right map for guidance.

If you don’t know how to make money with your content, then you’re not alone. According to a ProBlogger survey, most blogs make less than $3.50 per day. Most channels on YouTube don’t generate revenue.

Every time you want to think content marketing is a sham, you see the Neil Patels of the world seeming to generate millions of dollars from every blog they create and promote.

Without the right guidance, you'll have a lot of questions, but no answers

No, Neil Patel and the other millionaire content marketers haven’t found a secret water fountain that adds an extra 100 hours to your day. They have the same 24 hours as you do (and since he gets nine hours of sleep every night, chances are you're awake longer than Neil). They just use their time differently to generate the massive returns they get from their directed efforts.

Now, you might say that Neil Patel is an unfair example because he’s got a network of influencers he’s bonded with over the years. However, at one point, he didn’t know any of those influencers. He had to build all of his relationships one-by-one.

And building relationships is FAR easier than you think. I had Seth Godin on my podcast before I graduated high school.

You don’t need to know someone for several years before they go on your podcast, write a guest post, promote one of your products, or even buy one of your products. But you still want to form new relationships because while the percentage of a “Yes” increases with a strong relationship, you can still get the “Yes” with no relationship in place.

I know what some of you are thinking: “Okay, Marc. This sounds great, but this will take so much time. How can I ever create content and then spend even more time promoting it?”

You’ll learn how to do just that in the Content Marketing Plaza. We’ll discuss how to efficiently craft valuable content and build a team of people around your content brand.

So, what exactly will you get from the

Content Marketing Plaza?

You will receive one new module every week for 8 weeks

Module 1: Content Creation Hacks

You will learn how to create valuable content that grabs attention without it taking you hours to write that content. You need to create content in order to engage in content marketing, but content creation shouldn't take the entire day. By the end of this module, you'll be a better writer and know how to write more valuable content at a faster pace.

Module 2: Content Marketing Hacks

Once you learn how to write valuable content at a rapid pace, we will then advance to the content marketing hacks. In this module, you'll learn the top methods successful bloggers use to get their content seen by millions of people. We'll also break down how you can implement these content marketing hacks within your content brand...because knowledge without implementation is wasted potential.

Module 3: Social Media Marketing Hacks

In the Social Media Marketing Hacks Module, you'll learn how to grow a large, targeted audience of followers who engage with your posts. These social media marketing hacks are designed to boost your social media presence and drive massive traffic to your blog.

Module 4: Product Creation Hacks

In the Product Creation Hacks Module, you'll learn how to create high-value products in a short period of time. We'll discuss how to promote a product before you actually create it and how to generate revenue from products even if you haven't created your own product yet. Your products and services are the lifeblood of your content brand as they will generate the bulk of your revenue.

Module 5: Funnel Hacks

Once you create your product, it's time to put the marketing on autopilot. The Funnel Hacks Module will show you how to do that. In this module, we will discuss mapping out your funnel, optimizing it for success, and generating passive income from your products.

Module 6: Relationship Building Hacks

In The Relationship Building Hacks Module, you'll learn how to build relationships that lead to opportunities. You can connect with your role models and people eager to promote your brand to their audiences.

Module 7: Conversion Hacks

In the Conversion Hacks Module, you'll learn how to optimize your landing pages, sales pages, and entire site for more conversions. The success of your content brand comes down to getting a lot of traffic and converting as much of that traffic as possible. While most of CMP focuses on traffic generation, this module digs deep into hacking your conversion rates.

Module 8: Outsourcing Hacks

In the Outsourcing Hacks Module, you'll learn how to delegate most of the tasks revolving around your content brand. The main reason most content brands get stuck is because time is a finite resource that many people like to stretch thin. Outsourcing allows you to focus more of your time on the most important tasks that lead to the biggest profit...all while having more time to do what you love.

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30 Day Super Duper Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the Content Marketing Plaza experience within 30 days, let me know and I will grant you a full refund. Therefore, all of the risk is on me to provide you with a legendary experience or else I go broke.

CMP Modules
Udemy Course Bundle ($1700 Value)
Office Hours In Exclusive Facebook Group ($2997 Value)
Checklist Series ($97 Value)
Monthly Live Calls
Free Copy Of Content Marketing Secrets
Website Audit ($997 Value)
15 Minute Strategy Session
Additional 30 Minute Strategy Session
We Create Your 12 Month Promotional Calendar




OR 6 Payments Of $47

CMP Elite



OR 6 Payments Of $97

CMP Deluxe



OR 6 Payments Of $197

Janice Wald

"I am lucky I ran across him. Last summer, my Twitter following had a few hundred followers. This spring, my Twitter following has almost 12,000 followers. Why? Because Marc's tips work. He taught me tools and methods to grow my following, and his tips were spot on. Numbers don't lie. In addition to increased traffic from Twitter, thanks to Marc's tips, I've been the recipient of financial opportunities since people found me on Twitter. I have a steady writing gig as a direct result of Marc's tips. The person who recruited me likes the fact that I have so many Twitter followers to advertise the post links to. Also, I have been labeled an "influencer" and asked to participate in many expert interviews all as a result of my expanded Twitter following. Marc, I only have one thing to say: Thank you!"

Mark Podolsky

"Marc Guberti is an old wise soul with a baby face, but as soon as he starts discussing his expertise you immediately forget the youth and focus on his experience and results. He is a walking example of someone whom became self-actualized at a young age and a prodigy at his craft. Like a young Mozart, the best is yet to come and he is truly a gift to those creatives looking to make an impact in the world. I highly recommend teaming up with Marc and taking your vision for your life to the next level with his guidance and expertise."

Anne Rainbow

"Marc Guberti’s approach to life – going above and beyond what any ‘normal’ person might do – is inspirational. His enthusiasm is infectious! How has he helped me? By making me aware that I too should dream big, that I can achieve greatness, and that I must unlock my potential. He does it. So can I. So can everyone."








Special Deals -- Only For 30 Minutes!

The methods I will share with you over this 8 week journey are the same ones I've used write for and be featured on some of the most successful places on the web. Here's a small sample size.

When I started to implement the tactics I'll share in the Content Marketing Plaza, my traffic skyrocketed. As you can see, I got a 1747% increase in traffic in just one year.

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Since then, my traffic has expanded even more...

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30 Day Super Duper Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the Content Marketing Plaza experience within 30 days, let me know and I will grant you a full refund. Therefore, all of the risk is on me to provide you with a legendary experience or else I go broke.

CMP Modules
Udemy Course Bundle ($1700 Value)
Office Hours In Exclusive Facebook Group ($2997 Value)
Checklist Series ($97 Value)
Monthly Live Calls
Free Copy Of Content Marketing Secrets
Website Audit ($997 Value)
15 Minute Strategy Session
Additional 30 Minute Strategy Session
We Create Your 12 Month Promotional Calendar




OR 6 Payments Of $47

CMP Elite



OR 6 Payments Of $97

CMP Deluxe



OR 6 Payments Of $197

Special Deals -- Only For 30 Minutes!

Bonuses You'll Get With The Content Marketing Plaza

After being a CMP student for over 30 days, these are the bonuses you will receive...

Checklist Series ($97 Value)


  • Blog Post Promotion Checklist: What you need to do when promoting your next blog post.

  • Product Launch Checklist: What you need to do to crush it on your next product launch.

  • Content Creation Checklist: Everything you need to write spectacular blog posts.

Udemy Course Bundle ($1700 Value)

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When you enroll into the Content Marketing Plaza, I will throw in all 24 of the training courses I have created on Udemy. These courses consist of many day's worth of content on digital marketing, productivity, and high performance.

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Most of these courses are valued at over $100, but you'll get all of them without paying a penny.

Office Hours In The Exclusive Facebook Group ($2997 Value)

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I am very protective of my time. However, I will make myself available for one hour each week to take everyone's questions as they go through their content marketing journeys. This exclusive Facebook Group is designed for you to get as close to me as possible so you can receive direct advice on how you're doing.

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I charge thousands of dollars for the amount of time I'll be putting into the Exclusive Facebook Group, so the $2997 price tag may be too low. However, that price tag doesn't matter as you'll get this exclusive Facebook Group as a bonus for enrolling into the Content Marketing Plaza.

Website Audit ($997 Value)

I will personally go through your website and give you 10 actionable suggestions you can use to improve it. This will be a thorough website audit and I will carefully choose my 10 suggestions so they are easy to implement and lead to great results. Typically, the smallest changes can make the biggest difference for your traffic and sales.

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30 Day Super Duper Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the Content Marketing Plaza experience within 30 days, let me know and I will grant you a full refund. Therefore, all of the risk is on me to provide you with a legendary experience or else I go broke.

CMP Modules
Udemy Course Bundle ($1700 Value)
Office Hours In Exclusive Facebook Group ($2997 Value)
Checklist Series ($97 Value)
Monthly Live Calls
Free Copy Of Content Marketing Secrets
Website Audit ($997 Value)
15 Minute Strategy Session
Additional 30 Minute Strategy Session
We Create Your 12 Month Promotional Calendar




OR 6 Payments Of $47

CMP Elite



OR 6 Payments Of $97

CMP Deluxe



OR 6 Payments Of $197

Special Deals -- Only For 30 Minutes!